WavePlay in 2022

Hiya everyone! This past year has been a very interesting year for WavePlay and we'd like to share some progress on what's new.

Most of the changes have been improvements to the underlying infrastructure that powers all of WavePlay. This means better security, performance, and less server resources are needed. What does this mean for you? It means the entire experience will feel faster overall and less buggy.

New features

That's not to say there's not few features. Those who have already been invited now have access to:

  • Homepage with a list of latest uploads
  • Search all of WavePlay content
  • New dashboard page
  • New upload admin page
  • New tracks admin page
  • Tracks can now level up! (more on this later)
  • New settings page

We hope to bring this and much more to everyone these coming months!

I'd also like to welcome a new developer to WavePlay! He's began helping develop features, provide suggestions, and integrate himself into WavePlay's codebase. ✨

Android & iOS Apps

One of the biggest new additions to WavePlay in 2022 has been the creation of new Android and iOS native apps! While our technology stack allows for this by default, there's a lot of extra work that needed to be done to make sure everything functions on the apps as well as it does on web.

Open source

All of this would not have been possible without the help of open source libraries that helped speed up the development of new features and improvements.

WavePlay itself runs on React Native Web which allows us to share (most of) the same code on multiple platforms: Android, iOS, and Web! We also use Expo to improve our native app development, Next.js to power our frontend servers, Prisma for database access, and many more!

As a way of giving back to the same community, we've open sourced a core part of WavePlay as Pilot.js. It provides the same benefits that Next.js gives us, but on native platforms. This means we can share even more code between platforms with the same great features we love about Next.js. <3

We've also open sourced a small but powerful utility for accessing data storage across platforms: Stashy! It allows you to use different storage engines via a simple universal API.

Discord server

Our Discord server has been growing despite not really marketing it much. Thank you to all you early adopters whom have joined and given your support. It's been a huge boost in motivation!

For those whom haven't joined already, join our Discord server here.